Endless Food Night: Tiptop Chinese Lab Dinner in Clifton Village
This year's heat-wave summer is coming to an end! The Yamauchi lab dinner took place at Emperor Court Chinese Restaurant
in the heart of Clifton Village in Bristol, to celebrate the publication of Yohei's Book "Influenza Virus: Methods & Protocols" from Methods in Molecular Biology (Springer Nature)(see separate blog on this!) and to toast to the leaving of our two summer students Yara (Uni Bristol) & Yolanda (Uni Granada, Spain) (8-weeks internship) and Solib (Chungnam National Uni, Korea) (4-weeks).

A (suspiciously) well behaved group photo - calmness before the storm.

We hail the chef(s) for endless food supply...and their kindness to try to accommodate one of our people's prawn allergy (though in vain). An EPI (Epinephrine) shot might come in handy next time.
Future dinners at Emperor Court will be called EFN (Endless Food Night). - We look forward to the next Yamauchi Lab EFN -