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EMBO New approaches to study Ub and Ub-like modifications
Alina Rudnicka attended this EMBO practical course on Ub and Ub-like modifications, in Sardinia, Spain. #scientist #adviser

Yohei gives Symposia talk at ISIRV Options IX in Chicago
Yohei gave a talk in the Virology & Pathogenesis Featured Symposia: Virus Host-Cell Interactions. The 5-day meeting took place in the...

Adrian Tschan completes BUSS summer school program in lab
Adrian, a summer school student in the BUSS program, completes a 2 month project under Alina on the topic Influenza A virus entry.

EMBO CLEM practical course
#onlineconference #tips

Alina Rudnicka joins lab
Alina Rudnicka joins the lab from the Zurich Life Sciences MIM (microbiology and immunology) PhD program. Alina...

Final Helenius Lab Happy Hour
The last Helenius lab happy hour at the IBC of ETH Zurich was organised with lots of help from the Weis group! On the day of the...
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