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Joe Grove (UCL) delivers seminar at CMM
Dr. Joe Grove a viral immunologist and Sir Henry Dale Fellow from UCL gave a seminar at CMM (hosted by Yohei). His talk "Virus vs...

Endless Food Night: Tiptop Chinese Lab Dinner in Clifton Village
This year's heat-wave summer is coming to an end! The Yamauchi lab dinner took place at Emperor Court Chinese Restaurant in the heart of...
A pair of summer interns join Yamauchi lab
Yara Aghabi (Wellcome Trust Vacation Scholarship, University of Bristol) and Yolanda Benitez (ERASMUS Exchange, University of Granada,...

Peter Horvath seminar at CMM School Seminar Series
Peter Horvath gave a great talk on various modes of image analysis.

Welcome Yasu, new postdoc in the lab!
The Yamauchi lab welcomes Yasu Miyake, a biochemist and JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) postdoctoral Fellow. He most...

New publication in Nature Communications!
HATRIC-based identification of receptors for orphan ligands. Sobotzki N, Schafroth MA, Rudnicka A, Koetemann A, Marty F, Goetze S,...

Viruses 2018 @ Barcelona (7-9 Feb)
Viruses 2018 - Breakthroughs in Viral Replication took place at the University of Barcelona in Spain. Yohei (talk) and Alina (poster)...

Winter is approaching
Snow begins to fall in Bristol. Temperature is crucial for experiments and they are done at various temperatures in the lab - from top...

When your cells are happy....
they will let you know...
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