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A new Review in Viruses on Microtubules and Influenza
Our new review Simpson & Yamauchi was published in the journal Viruses. Click on the snapshot to jump to the article in Viruses.

DUKE-NUS Singapore
Yohei visited DUKE-NUS Singapore emerging infectious diseases (EID) and gave a seminar on cell biology of virus uncoating. Hosted by...

Two studies from the Yamauchi group were published in published in Nature Microbiology in 2019
We published 2 papers in Nature Microbiology in 2019. Both were on the mechanism of Tnpo1-triggered uncoating of Influenza A virus and...

ERC Synergy Grant
Yamauchi (Bristol), Matthias (FMI Basel) and Bode (ETH Zurich) labs were awarded a highly competitive €7.6m ERC Synergy Grant for the...

Two days of great science ends in success!
Group photo taken on day 2 in the Great Hall of Wills Memorial. More photos can be seen here in our Gallery.

Two lab undergrad alumni receive prize at CMM graduation ceremony Two of our student alumni win a CMM prize at 2019 graduation ceremony!...

lab lunch
The lab and undergrad summer interns went for lunch at Chris & Jo's kitchen around the corner on St. Michael's Hill!

Mark Marsh - CMM seminar
Mark Marsh, director of MRC-LMCB (University College London), gave a lecture at the CMM seminar series. Mark's seminar on IFITM proteins...

CMM seminar by Ari Helenius from ETH Zurich
Yohei invited his postdoc advisor (2008-2015) Ari Helenius of ETH Zurich to the CMM seminar on the 2nd of April. About 100 people...

Snapshots from Yohei's Biochemistry seminar @ Bristol
Hosted by Dr. Mark Dodding from the school of Biochemistry. My usual background slide on display. First of all, announcing future CMM...
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